When I went for a Nadi reading for the very first time in 2002, just as others are told about their present lives and what they were going through that we come to learn from the Siddhas are very much linked to our past lives and the karma we earned over time and many births, I too was told the stark truth about my former lives in the General Canto, Karma Canto and the Santhi Parikara Canto. Agathiyar could have let me face the consequences of my past actions. But instead, the most compassionate one chose to give me several parikaram or remedies or cures or course of actions to be taken to counter, subdue and lighten or possibly eradicate in total the cause. I was blessed to read my Gnana Canto too initiated by Sivabalan who had brought in Nadi Nool Aasan Senthilkumar then. In it, Agathiyar told me to visit all 5 temples of Lord Shiva or the Pancha Bootha Stalangal besides Palani. The uniqueness of these 5 temples of Lord Shiva that I came to know later, was that they were constructed for the respective elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space. For a beginner on the path, he is told to go and physically be in these places, to enter these sacred spaces. He is told to be at these temples so that he touches the ground there; inhales the air there; dips and baths and drinks the water there; touches the flame or arathi showered to the Gods and Goddesses there and imbibes the heat of the sun that shines down at these places. I made my very first pilgrimage to all the temples and abodes that Agathiyar had listed in my Nadi the following year. As Agathiyar had asked me to come back for another reading only three years after the first reading, and when I was 46, even as I wondered how and when the reading would come by since I was introduced to the existence of the Nadi by Siddha practitioner Dr.Krishnan in 1996 and only came to read it in 2002 after a colleague shared his experience in reading it two years earlier, Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal on the day I met him for the very first time in Kuala Lumpur in 2005, initiated and directed me to Nadi Nool Aasan Ramesh who was then in Kuala Lumpur, to read my Gnana Canto again. This time around Agathiyar mentioned my gurus in more detail after just hinting about the coming of them in the first Nadi reading in 2002.
The gurus initiated us to take up Kriyai, having us come out of Sariyai that involved temple worship and service to God. It was now service to the Guru and society in the form of Karma Yoga. We were told to learn about the 5 elements that maketh the body now, moving from what we saw established externally in the 5 temples for these elements. We were then taken to the next level that of Yoga.
We were told to cleanse the body and mind and avail them for the arrival of the divine energies within. After one qualifies on the path raising from an ordinary bhakta or devotee who brings his palms together in prayer before the deity and looks towards the skies and heavens for salvation; through Kriyai he learns to bring these deities first to his home through home puja and having them reside within the statues and pictures later. Then through Yoga he learns to bring the deities to reside within himself. The divine shall then bring out the Gnanam from within one. Such a one is a chosen candidate to build a shrine or temple for others to pray to and pray in. This shall be his purpose in life to experience God and share his experience with others too. These and many other facts are explained by PremKV too on his YouTube channel.
We look toward the skies and the massive monuments left behind by our ancestors with awe. But we fail to see the greatest miracle that is both a mystery and mystical in us. Life right from conception and birth, nay even before that too, till the last moments we spend in this physical body, and even after that has always amazed and mesmerized me. It makes me ask who is the genius behind all these? Who is the creator? Where is he? Where does he reside? Is he accessible to us? For one I came to realize that we are all co-creators of his in this grand design and grand play of his. He does not do the work directly but through us. But are we suitable candidates to carry out his divine work here? He shall reach out to us if and when we are ready for a change and fit to take on his massive work. For that to happen we need his grace. For that to happen we have to reach out to him. If we are obsessed with our desires and leave his thought out, he steps into the shadow.
Just as Marc Spector tells Steven Grant to surrender his body to Marc so that the alter can protect them both in the new Marvel series "Moon Knight", it is only when we surrender and give this body to him that he can work on us and others. Lord Murugan came to several of us asking us to surrender to him before he can even initiate changes in us. Are we ready to surrender ourselves?