Monday, September 12, 2022


It took me some time to digest what Agathiyar and Lord Murugan told in the Nadi readings. These were unbelievable stuff that they spoke about. Above all these, they meant that I was an eligible candidate. But how could I have qualified I asked myself? I know what runs through my mind each moment. I know what wrongs I had done in this life. Agathiyar too has revealed the many wrongs I did in my past lives. But the most compassionate father consoled me and removed my guilt telling me that all those wrongs were meant to happen as I needed those experiences too. He asked me to forgive myself first, then the others who harmed me, and finally told me that he has forgiven me too. He sent me to two gurus in the physical form to be tutored, nurtured, and groomed. I am obliged to Supramania Swami and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal of Kallar ashram. He made the journey easy for me and my family and those who came on board. He gave us the experiences first and only later came to reveal the reasons and the inner and subtle meanings of all that we went through. There was no map. Neither was there a blueprint of the journey. We traveled from one milestone to the next. He was waiting at each milestone to guide us further. We took tiny baby steps on this journey with him holding our hands and assisting us each time we fell. This journey has been indeed an amazing one. Since he asked me to share my internal experiences recently, I thought I should also share the many Nadi readings through which he guided me and explained what was taking place. No one just drops in on a particular stage or state like the Terminator does but has to move gradually up the ladder assisted by divine grace.

16.1. 2012 தான் உத்தமமாய் வழிபாடும் நாழி ஒன்று துயில் தன்னில் உதிக்கும் காலம் செய்வாய். மேலும் தினம் சூழ் வேளையிலும் பூசை தன்னை தீர்க்கமாய் செய்திடுவாய். சித்தரின் பூசைதனை செய்து வருவாய். முக்காலமும் உணரும் சக்தி பெற்றிடுவாய். மண்ணுலகில் பல வகையில் சோதிப்போம். வையகத்தில் வாக்கு மாறா வழிபாடு செய்து ஆண் நீயும் பெருநிலை அடைந்துவிட்டாய். He says that I should increase the moments sitting in puja by doing it in the mornings, noon and evenings too. He shall test us in many ways.  

15. 2. 2013 உன்னோடு நான் இருக்க உனக்கேன் வாக்கு. ஓதாது உணரும் சக்தி பெற்றுவிட்டாய். உச்சி திறந்த மைந்தன் நீ அறிவாய் இன்றோ. சுழி திறந்து முக்தி கண்டாய். தேடிய நாடிய காலமெல்லாம் போதும். தேடி வந்து அருள் செய்வோம் இனித்தான் உனக்கு. He asks me why I need to rely on his Nadi when he is with us. Tavayogi used to ask us the same too. He asks to stop the search. He shall provide for us.

21.9. 2014 தக்கதொரு எழுதிடுவாய் சித்த மார்க்கம் பற்றி. எழுத வைப்போம் சிந்தையிலே கலந்து நாங்கள். ஆதாரம் முறையாய் விளங்கி நிற்கும். முனை திறந்து இருக்கிறாய் இப்போ. He ask that I write about the Siddha Marga. he shall induce me to write he says. He speaks about the chakras.

28.3. 2015 நீ உலகில் என் ஜோதியைப் பெற்று விட்டாய். உண்மையான மார்க்கத்தை உலகிற்கு ஓதி உயர் நிலையைப் பலர் அடைய வைத்தவன். இல்லமதும் ஞான கோட்டமாகி இறை ஞான நிலை அடைவார் வருவோர் எல்லாம். அருள் புரிந்தோம் ஞான கோட்டம் தன்னில்.  அருள் தவம் ஆசி பெற வழிவகுத்தோம். திறந்தோமே உட்சியும் உனக்கும் மைந்தா. He thanks me for bringing others into the path through my writings. He says my home that was his Vanam has transited into Gnanakottam. 

28.8. 2015 கருணையுடன் கருத்துகளை உலகிற்குப் பரப்பிக் கருணையான நிலை தன்னை பலர் அடையச் செய்தாய். தேகத்தில் மாற்றங்கள் பெற்று இருக்காய். அகத்துக்குள் அகத்தின் ஜோதி பெருகி தேகத்தில் பல மாற்றம் பல சக்தி கிட்டி முனை திரண்டு இருப்பாயே. He says my writings have reached many. He sees the changes that have taken place within me.  

18.11. 2017 அருள் நிலைகள் பெற்றிருக்கின்றார் பல மாந்தரும். மாற்றங்கள் பலர் அடையக் காரணமாய் இருந்தாய். குவலயத்தில் ஒன்றுமே தெரியாதவன் போல் அமர்ந்திருப்பாய். He says I was instrumental in some way towards the change others went through. He wants me to stay low and out of sight.

30.1. 2018 நான் என்ற அகம்பாவம் அழியக் கண்டேன். இன்னும் ஒரு வாக்கைச் சொல்கின்றேன். எனக்கு நீ ஆலயத்தை அமைக்க வேண்டும். நிற்கவே இம்மண்ணில் எந்தனுக்கு ஆலயமும் அமைத்து உள்ளார். என்னை வேறு விதமாய் காட்டித்தான் வைத்துள்ளார். என்னை நீ காட்டுகின்ற காட்சி வேறு. Lord Murugan comes in the Nadi and acknowledges that my ego died. He asks that I build a temple for him stating that though there are many in this nation he is shown "differently". I shall show him otherwise. This puzzled me as I had no notion of what he was talking about. How could I show him differently I asked myself?

7.10.2018 உனக்குத்தான் நித்திரை தவ வாசி காலம் வாசியும் சீர் பிசகி முடங்கித் தான் இருக்கு. சோர்ந்திடாது நீ திடங்கள் பெறுவதற்கு தீர்க்கமுடன் எங்களின் வாகடங்கள் சொல்வோம். சிறு வலியும் பொறுக்காத தேகம் அப்பா பிள்ளை உனக்கு வலி வருத்தம் இல்லாது சாத்மீக வாகடன்கள் சொன்னோம்.

Agathiyar says that my breath is a mess. The most compassionate father acknowledging that I cannot possibly withstand even the slightest pain chose to provide his medicines and ointments to bring on quick relief. 

8.10.2018 இந்தத் தேசத்தில் சத்தமின்றி அகத்தியரைப் பலருக்கு நீ காட்டினாய் அப்பா. உன் தொண்டை மெச்சுகின்றேன். நின் தேகம் தளருகிறது அப்பா. தேகத்திற்கு முதுமை அது வந்துவிட்டாலும் தெளிந்த ஒரு ஆத்மவுள் இருப்பது யானே. இந்தக் காலம் உன்னுடைய முதுகு எலும்பும் இடுப்பும் தானே ஒரு வித இறுக்கமாய் இருக்குதப்பா. அப்பா அங்கே இருக்கின்ற தைலம் தானே தைலமது உலர்ந்து  போச்சு. இதுதான் உண்மை ஆதலால் சேரும் எலும்பு சந்திப்பெல்லாம் அறிவித்தால் ஒருவித இறுக்கம் அச்சு. ஆச்சப்பா மின்னல் போன்ற வலி தோன்றும். அங்கே அப்போது துடி துடித்து நிற்பான் மைந்தன். மைந்தனுக்கு மருத்துவம் சில செய்ததாலே மாற்றங்கள் கால் பங்கு குணமாகக் கண்டேன். சாற்றநல்  இது எதற்கென்று கேள். அகத்தில் நீ அமர்ந்து தவம் தியானம் செய்ய. தெளிவிக்க அகத்தியரும் புறப்பட்டு விட்டார். திறம்படவே நீ நடமாட வேண்டும் அப்பா. தீர்க்கமாய் அதற்குத் தான் நூல் உரைக்க வந்தேன். ஆறுமுகன் சொல்லுகின்றேன் ஷண்முகத்திற்குக் கூறுகின்றேன் உன்னால் எழுந்து நடமாட முடியும். குமரனும் இன்று இரவே அற்புதம் செய்வேன். Lord Murugan praises me for keeping a low profile yet spreading the wisdom of Agathiyar. He tells me my body is crumbling. Though age has caught up with me he resides as the Atma in us. My spine and hips are currently tensed. The gel at the joints have hardened. This is the reason for the acute pain I was having. With some treatment done saw 1/4 of the issue overcome. He tells me why I had to go through the sufferings. It was to have me sit in one place and do tapas. But both he and Agathiyar did not abandon me. They have come to my aid through a Nadi reading and through a devotee. 

மெள்ள அகத்தியர் வனம் அகத்தியர் தபோவனம் ஆகும். தவம் செய்யும் வனம் அப்பா தபோவனம் ஆகும். On a different note he says that Agathiyar Vanam can take on a new name Agathiyar Tapovanam. 

9.10.2018 செய்தித்தேன் மருத்துவம் யான் கூட நேற்று. மெய்யாக அவன் வலியைப் போக்கினேன். ஜீவ நூலாய் ஜீவனாய் இறங்கி பங்காக அவன் உடலைச் சார்ந்திருந்தது அவனுக்குச் சிகிச்சை செய்தோம். ஆறுமுகன் பேசினேன் இறங்கினேன் ஒரு கணத்தில். நன்றாய் மயில் இராகு கொண்டு சண்முகத்தின் தேகத்தை தடவிய அவன் வலியைப் போக்கினேன். மைந்தனவன் தியான வழி சிந்தைகொள்ள அவன் தனக்கு சக்தி பெருகும். The next day Lord Murugan comes in a Nadi reading for another devotee and explians how he healed me the night before. In meditation it shall heal further he added.

3.1. 2019 எனக்குச் செய்யும் பூசை கண்டு மயங்கித் தவத்தொரும் சித்தர் எல்லாம் தடம் நாடி வந்தோம். தடம் அதனில் அற்புதங்கள் அதிசயங்கள் நிகழும். நாடி மாந்தர் பெரும் கூட்டம் கட்டுக்கடங்கா. நாள் அதன் பின் தனி கோட்டம் அமைப்போம். நன்றாம் மண்ணுலகில் உன் கோட்டம் பிரபலியம் ஆகும். They seem to be adament in having me either build a temple or move to a larger venue as they anticipate a larger crowd that my humble home could not possibly accomodate. 

5.9. 2019 உன்னுள் ஜீவமாய் இருக்கின்றோம். மும்மலங்கள் அற்றதொரு தேகம் என்பதனால் முனை திறந்து உட்சியும் திறந்து குண்டலினி உயர்ந்து கனல் எழும்பி அமிர்தத்தை இடைவிடாது உண்டு கொண்டு இருக்காய். குண்டலினி சக்தியெல்ல்லாம் எழுப்புவதெல்லாம் குவலயத்தின் பாம்பின் போன்று நெளிய நேரும். ஆனால் ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் அதுதான் என்போம். நீ உள்ளே அமைதியுடன் இருந்து தான் ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் இல்லாது இருப்பாய். மூப்பான நிலை வந்ததால் முனை திரண்டு பேசி நிற்போம் நாங்களும் தான். உன்னுள்ளே நாங்கள் இருந்தவாறு உபதேசம் அளிப்போம். பலவாறாக நீ உரைக்கும் வார்த்தையெல்லாம் எங்கள் சிந்தை அப்பா. உன்னுள் இருந்து நாங்கள் மாந்தர்க்கு நலம் ஞானம் வழங்குவோம்.

Since they have come as the Jeeva within they live in us, and speak and conduct through us. This is the third instance they spoke about the Kundalini and its moments but assure us that that is bliss. 

24.12. 2019 அசுத்த தேகம் சுத்த தேகமாகி பிரணவ தேகமாகி ஒளி தேகமாகும் வித்தையே ஞானம். அதற்குத் தியானத்தில் வாசியைக் கவனி. உடல் குறு தத்துவங்களை அறிய வேண்டும். Agathiyar in this final Nadi reading for me reveals what Gnanam is. The art of transforming the Asudha Degam into a Sudha Degam and later into the Pranava Degam and finally into the Oli Degam is indeed Gnanam. Gnanam then is in knowing this art and making the transformation happen. 


After the dam waters were released the tightness felt around the waist moved to the region of the ribs. A calm was felt. Just days before I had sudden chills and shivers come on. Then it would suddenly switch to heat and sweat after minutes. This went on for two days. A tightness was felt in the forehead. Pain was felt whenever I touched the top of my head. A coldness was felt in the region. At times I have a ferocious appetite while at other times just a mouthful would do to appease my hunger. This is as much as I can say and share with readers as of today just as Agathiyar had asked me to share my experiences. I have no notion what is going on within. To understand my current state we have to go back again. Going back some 12 years, we recall what Agathiyar says of the subtle changes that were taking place then. Please bear in mind that this is not a self-portrayal of my achievements. Neither am I boastful of my feats. I would rather see it as alms given to me rather than shout out loud that it was all my effort bearing fruit. My ego has been trashed by my gurus throughout this journey too many times. There is no way it could survive, be revived, or thrive further.


நாமத்தை நாள் நாளும் சொல்லி வந்தால் நான் அடைந்த புண்ணியங்கள் கிட்டிவிடும். சேமமான என்னைப் போல் அருளும் கிட்டி. He says by just mentioning his name one shall gain the merits and grace he had gained.

31.1.2010 உரைத்த என் கரத்தாலே எழுதிய வாக்கை ஓர் நாளில் உன்னிடத்தில் ஒப்படைப்பேன் நானும். என் மடியில் நீ வைத்து வணங்கி வர என் நூலை நீ படிக்க விதி ஓர் நாள் உண்டு. உந்தனுக்கு எந்தனின் பரிசும் அதுவும் அன்பளிப்பும் ஆகும். He tells me he shall pass on his Nool someday to be worshipped. I shall come to read it. It is both a present and gift from me. 

3.4.2010 சாதகனே என் யோக பயற்சிதன்னை சாற்ற நீ தினம் காலை மாலையும் தான் சரிசிறப்பாய் செய்து வர யோகம் அப்பா. பயிற்சிகளும் தனக்கு இத்திசையில் கிட்டி நலம் அடைவாய். He asks to continue my yoga practice.

12.7.2010 தரணியிலே சதா சிவதை கண்டவன் நீ. அகத்தியானின் புகழ் தன்னை பரப்புவாயே. He says I saw Sadashiva. He asks that I spread his fame.

9.8.2010 உண்டான ஞான கனல் மிகுந்த காலம் உயர்வான காலம் அப்பா இது. இந்தக் காலம் தனக்குள்ளே பல ஆற்றல் தந்துவிட்டேன் தரணியிலே என் பணியை நீ பார்ப்பதனால். The heat of my tapas was at its height he says. He has gifted me the tools to carry on with his work.

17.10. 2010 வழிபாடும் பூசையும் செய்வாய் நன்றாய். தாழ்வெது உந்தன் பூசை தன்னில். தவமும் தர்மமும் சேர்த்துக் காண்பாய். காண்பாயே அற்புதங்கள் அதிசயமும். கணக்காக என் பெருமை உலகுக்கு ஓதி பெருமை பல உலக மாந்தர் அடையச் செய்வாய். அடையோகம் தன்னில் கிட்டும் சக்தியெல்லாம் அவை அனைத்தும் தவமோடு வழிபாட்டில் பெறுவாய். I was asked to continue by puja and worship. I was to continue my tapas and dharma too. He shall continue his miracles too. I was to continue to spread his fame. Tapas and worship shall bring on the merits gained in doing Hatha Yoga, he says.

9.8.2011  ஆனந்த நிலை இப்போ அடைந்திருக்கிறாய். அருள் ஜோதி நிலை பெருகி உள்ளத்தப்பா. விளம்பலாம் சித்தாந்தம் மார்க்கம் தொட்டு சுத்தமுடன் சித்தர் வழி சமயம்பற்றி வின்னமில்லா நிலை பலதும் அடைந்துவிட்டாய். He acknowledges the blissful state I am in. The graceful light has increased in its immensity he says. By taking the Siddha path, one touches Siddhantam. 

26.11. 2011 பாரிச பீடைகள் வந்து நிற்கும். உற்றதொரு மூலாதார சக்கரமும் உயர் விதமாய் உட்டணங்கள் அடைந்ததாலே. உரைக்க வரும் சோர்வுகளும் தேகம் தன்னில். உரைக்கலாம் முக்கூற்று திரிப்பும் இப்போ முறையாகச் சமநிலையில் இல்லாதிருக்கச் சோதனைகள் வந்து நிற்கும் அச்சம் மிகுந்து. சிறப்பு தரும் வாகடமும் செப்பலாம். செப்பலாம் தவம் தன்னை நிறுத்திவைக்கப் பங்கம் ஏதும் வந்திடாது கலக்கம் கொள்ளா. அவனியிலே மரணமில்லா பெரு வாழ்வு யோகம் இருப்பதனால் வெற்றி திண்ணம். I shall go through sensory illusions as a result of the Muladhra chakra gaining excessive heat. This would result in tiredness and exhaustion. The three dosas too are not in their ideal proportions. He recomended several herbs to consume. He asked me to stop my tapas immediately. 

Friday, September 9, 2022


It has been years since I took the train. I am on a train penning this post now. Back then it was the steam and diesel train. Now it is an electric train. Additional tracks have been laid. Old sleepers made of timber are replaced with concrete. Stations have been upgraded and renovated. Everything goes through change as man advances with newer scientific discoveries and newer technologies. Similarly, new understandings dawn on us as time passes and we gain new experiences or stand witness to many new things happening around us. The past week returning to visit my aged relatives, I understood that time stood still for them. They were caught in the past. I understood too the reason the elders could not explain the meaning and the significance of many rituals, customs, and traditions to us. But they faithfully carried out what their parents and ancestors did. The wise of the past understanding that it was pretty difficult to break their ignorance and make them understand, gave them directives and instructions instead or ordained them to carry out things adding a dash of spice to bring on the fear factor that they shall face the music or wrath of the divine if they were to stop doing them. I have come to realize that many common folks do not understand the secret of life nor are they interested to know. They do not have any inkling of the mystery of birth and death. So the elders did not explain further but showed by example these rituals. In this age of hunger for knowledge in all fields, these parents are not able to explain the reasons for carrying out many rituals and practices but tell their kin that the elders did it and we just follow. All these folks offered us were their experiences that come with some words of advice. If Ramalinga Adigal comes now I believe many can comprehend his teachings. I think he came too soon when people were not prepared to understand him.

At one time I felt ashamed that I did not know the reasons and inner meaning of the daily rituals we carry out. Neither could the elders explain. I began to look for books and read about them. But they were vague and brief and limited. Back then the internet was in its infant stage and not publicly available. Today we have access to much research material. We have a better understanding. Looking through the net I find tons of theories, philosophies, and texts on rituals, yoga, Siddha medicine, etc. But very few spoke about their direct experiences. The secret of all these practices lies with the Siddhas. And they are willing to reveal provided we are willing to listen. The Siddhas and saints have spoken and written them in the form of prose and songs that are difficult to comprehend by us. In order to understand correctly, we need to call these saints who authored them to reveal the gist of their teachings and practices. Otherwise, it would surely be only our interpretation of their experiences. 

We are basically zombies walking this earth and wasting away our lives. Very few question the purpose of life. First, we have to know our past karma and attend to it and then keep our present under check (வினை அறிந்து செயல் படு). Avoid those actions that bring on disastrous results and take on good virtues. This shall pave the way for a good life. Doing charity and dharma shall bring a balance to our karma, hence strengthening the physical body and keeping away diseases and illnesses. Then with the earth element under check, we go on pilgrimages and dip into the holy waters. Visiting the Panchabutha stalam or the 5 temples designated to these elements. This cleanses the physical further. The hormones are regulated. A subtle transformation starts within. Then lighting the yagam or homam and oil lamps burns away the karma further.  Having brought a balance to the earth element by balancing the scale of sins (Pabam) and merits (Punyam), having energized the body through the rituals of bathing in the holy waters and lighting the sacrificial fire we bring in the element of air that carries oxygen and prana enhancing its volume and increasing our breathing capacity, in coming to Yoga we connect with the Prana. Finally sitting in meditation we connect to the space, ether, and Vetaveli. The five bhottas attain a purified state, that of completeness or Paripuranam.

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah, a concerned citizen of Malaysia in a piece "Dear Malaysia" on StarOnline writes, "In the words of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu, “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in.” How true. Similarly, instead of having us rely on others forever, the Siddhas give us the knowledge to take hold of our lives. So when I was with my relatives, they would ask me to bless them with the sacred ash. This went on for some days. Finally, it occurred to me that rather than give them fish I shall teach them to fish. I had one of them sing the Maha Mantra Arutperunjothi that energizes the water placed before the sick and have them drink it. I had empowered them with the strength and confidence to heal another rather than seeking others to cure us. 

There is so much hype in the Siddha circle. People have been told that the Siddhas are known to do siddhis and heal through their medicines and reveal the past, present, and future. There is another sector of seekers who come in search of the art of turning metal into gold. Others came to capture and captivate people with Siddhis. Words like kundalini have become a common day topic and are in general use these days. This is what captures their attention. But nobody speaks about or seeks the ways to retain this body or transmute and transform it into light that the Siddhas spoke about too. I guess it is of no interest to them. Tavayogi in defining the Siddhas did not speak of such siddhis but rather spoke about their success and achievement to change and transform this physical body into that of light. But the truth is that any transformation in us happens deep within us and rarely comes to the forefront. The Siddha only brings these siddhis out when there is a need and not to showcase it publicly. 

Agathiyar told me several changes had taken place in me over the span of these 20 years that I never knew or felt in me. If he had not mentioned them in my regular Nadi readings I would not know of these changes. They were so subtle in nature that I did not feel nor realize and others were not aware of them too. But he cannot possibly be wrong, can he? In asking that I share my experiences that are taking place, recently I have to mention the internal journey that took great leaps over the past months after the dam was opened and the flood waters began to surge upstream just as our external journey that went on for years.

These revelations from my Nadi reading would show that it was a gentle and slow process and nothing drastic happens overnight. I am the same person today as I was 20 years ago. People ask me since I turned vegetarian 24 years ago if I am sattvic in nature. No, I still throw tantrums. Another asked what we gain in worshipping the Siddhas just as we ask of any material investment. People fail to understand what the Siddhas expect from us. They want us to rise to their state. But we stand before them asking for perishable things and non-permanent possessions. 

The Siddhas promise the following, many that are unimaginable to us and that rarely we seek.

13.10.2007 உண்டாகும் குண்டலினி சக்தி உனக்கு உயர்வதைக் கண்டு நாங்கள் வியந்தோம் அப்பா. Though I began to read the Nadi in 2002 this was the very first mention of Kundalini.

18.5.2008 ஒப்பிலா உடல் சூடும் தியானத்தால் உனக்குச் சோர்வு வந்திடும் இக்கணம் தன்னில். தான் நீயும் குளிர்ச்சி தரும் பண்டம் தவறாது ஏற்றிட வேண்டும் அப்பா. நிலைத்துத் தான் அங்கத் திடம் ஓங்கச் சிறப்பாக வாரம் ஓர் நாள் மட்டும் செயற்கை உணவு மட்டும் ஏற்கா. மட்டிலா செய், கரி, குரு நாள் தன்னில் மகத்தான மருத்துவத்தின் உணவும் ஏற்பாய் கட்டளைதான் உப்பு, புலி, காரம், இனிப்பும் கண்டிப்பாய் ஆகாது ஏற்க வேண்டாம். பதஞ்சலியின் யோக சூட்சம இதுதான் மைந்தா. வளமிருக்கும் வர்ணமும், ஆதாரமும் சித்தி கொண்டதோர் குண்டலினி ஓங்கும் பாரு. The many practices taught and shown and put into practice shall bring on excessive heat within. Hence the need to take sattvic food that cools the body. This is the second instance he spoke about the Kundalini.

30.9.2008 நேர்மையான தவத்தாலே நெற்றிக் கண் ஒளியும், ஒளி அதுவும் உனக்குமே வெளிப்பட்டது இப்போ. கண்ணியமாய் வாசிதனை வசப்படுத்திக் கணக்காகப் புசிக்கச் சிறப்பு தானே. சிறப்புயெலாம் வாசியிலே அடங்கி இருக்கு. சித்தர் எல்லாம் வாசி வழி தேர்ச்சி கண்டார். சிறப்புமிக்க மூத்தோனும் புத்தனும் தான் சிறப்பான வாசிக்கே அதிபதி ஆவார். ஆனதொரு வாசி தன்னை அடக்கினாலே ஆயுளோடு மரணம் இல்லா பெரு வாழ்வு உண்டு. தவசியெல்லாம் வாசியாலே தவமும் பெற்றார். தான் அடைந்த உண்மையெல்லாம் உனக்கு உரைத்தோம். He asks that we observe the breath telling us that Lord Vinayagar and Gautama Buddha excelled in this art. They remind us that they are sharing what they themselves had practiced and achieved.

8.12.2008 வாசி பயிற்சியாலே சுழி திறந்து உச்சியும் திறக்கக் கண்டாய். ஏழுதிரை தன்னை நீக்கி வழுவாது சோதிதனை கான வைப்போம். வையகத்தில் பூர்த்தி நிலை அடையச் செய்வோம். சொரூப நிலை யாவும் பெற வழியும் செய்வோம். Taking on the breath we shall see the veil of ignorance drawn aside to reveal the Jothi.

27.8.2009 வெற்றி நிலை மிகுந்து காணத் தவ சூச்சமம் தான் விவரிப்பேன். இரு மண்டலம் செய்வாய் நன்றாய். நெறி உடனே தினம் காலை மாலையும் தான் நாசியின் மேல் கீழ் சக்கரம் நோக்கி நோக்கியே தவம் பயிற்சி சில நாழிகை மட்டும் நாசியினுள் நீண்டவாறு வாசியை இழுத்து விட்டுப் பக்குவமாய் பயிற்சியும் செய்து  வரப் பலப்படும் ஞான நிலை பலவாறாக. பலவாறு தெளிவு திடம் சிந்தை கீர்த்தி பிரபஞ்சம் வசிய நிலை திண்ணம். உலகினிலே நாங்கள் செய்த பயிற்சிதான் உவந்து சொன்னோம் உனக்குமே சூச்சம். He gives further practice and again mentions that the Siddhas did all these.

26.12.2009 ஞானத்தின் திறவுகோல் திறந்த பிள்ளை. உச்சியும்  திறந்த பிள்ளை. முக்கண்ணும் பிரகாசிக்கும். தர வேண்டும் போக்கிடங்கள் என்று நினைத்தோம். தவறாது யோகி வழி உனக்குக் கிட்டும். He says that Tavayogi shall grant us the rest. 

But none of what was told happened in a drastic manner or captured the attention of others. Neither was I aware of them. Life went on as usual. I guess since I had a job and a family they did not want to disrupt my life in any manner. Hence when some are able to describe in detail the changes within them, I for one have seen only those that I had shared in this blog earlier.

Guruswamy Sethuraman, a leading numerologist, and son of Pandit Sethuraman writes about Rabindranath Tagore at

Rabindranath Tagore has shared his spiritual awakening experience in the most beautiful manner. The following event happened in his life. It is worth noting. He wrote prayers about God in the Gitanjali, for which he received the Nobel prize and became famous the world over. 

But there lived an old man near his house who began to harass him constantly. Wherever he met Rabindranath, he would hold on to him and ask, ”Please tell me truly: have you known God?” The old man was obstinate and Rabindranath, being an honest person, could not tell a lie. The old man looked so straight and deep into the eyes of Rabindranath that his hands and legs used to tremble. 

Here was the winner of the Nobel prize. Wherever he went he was much honored by the people. People used to say, ”Here is a living example of one whom the Upanishads call a Maharishi.” Yet here he was, being troubled by an old man from his neighborhood. And the harassment was not for just one day or one morning or evening, but continued every day, because the old man, having nothing to do, spent all his time sitting on a chair near the door of his house so Rabindranath found it difficult to avoid him.

Rabindranath has written in his diary that he found it very difficult to leave the house: ”Before going out, I would inquire whether the old man was sitting there or not. Otherwise, he would grab hold of me and ask, ’Have you seen God? Have you known him?’ I used to tremble on hearing these questions because I know nothing about him. On hearing my answer the old man would laugh loudly and heartily. His laughing in that way spoiled my sleep, it began to haunt me; I began to be afraid of that old man. 

Once I thought, ’I really created trouble for myself writing this Gitanjali.’ I thought, ’That old man must have had some glimpse of God, otherwise he could not haunt me so.’” From his eyes, it appeared he knew something because Rabindranath could not get away with it by staring at him and repeating one or two lines of the Gitanjali in answer to his question.

Thus years passed, and the old man continued his haunting. Rabindranath has said: ”A great load was removed from my mind on the day on which I could tell him, ’I have known God.’” 

It was the beginning of the rainy season, and the first downpours were leaving puddles everywhere. Reservoirs and small pits on the roadsides filled with water. Frogs were croaking. It was morning and Rabindranath was tempted out by these changes in nature – the croaking of the frogs, the confused din of the falling rain, the new fragrance of the earth. He saw the old man was not in his usual seat. Perhaps he was not up yet. Rabindranath ran out of his house. The sun was rising over the sea. He stopped at the seashore. The sun was shimmering on the water. He looked at the sun and its reflection, and then began to return to his home. The sun was reflected in each puddle, in each small pond, in every dirty ditch on the roadside. It was shining all around – in dirty puddles, on the sea, in clean small streams, on every side. Seeing all this, some music, some unknown, indefinable sound within began to play in Rabindranath’s heart. As he returned, he was dancing. He was dancing because he saw that the reflection of the sun was never tarnished. He was dancing because he saw that the sun’s reflection was as fresh and clean in the dirty, muddy water as it was in the cleanest water. Reflection can never be dirty. How can it be dirty? Only water can be muddy and dirty. But the sun that looks into it, whose reflection appears in it, is not dirty. It is absolutely fresh and clean. No water can spoil it. This was a tremendous, revolutionary experience for him. It meant that God, who is even within the worst of men, cannot be made dirty. The reflection of God in the most sinful person is as pure as it is in the most pious person. So he was returning dancing. A door had opened within.

That old man was sitting near his door. This was the first time he was not afraid of the old man, and for the first time the old man said, ”It is all right, it seems you have known him.” And the old man approached Rabindranath and embraced him and said, ”Your ecstasy, your dancing today, tells me that you have known him. Now I can honor you!” Then for three days, Rabindranath remained in a state of ecstasy – in a state of madness. The members of the family were afraid to see this. Only the old man often used to come and tell them, "Be glad! Be joyful!” and began to inform the neighbors that he knew God. But the people in the house were very much afraid because Rabindranath was behaving in a very strange way. If he saw a pillar he would embrace it. If a cow passed by on the road he would embrace her, too. If he saw a tree he would embrace it. The people in the house thought he had lost his mind: ”He has gone mad!” But the old man continued to say, ”Don’t worry. He was mad until now, and now he is fine. Now he has begun to see, in all existence, that without which the song he was singing all this time was useless. It was only rhyme, a poor excuse for poetry. Only now, real music is born in his life.”

Rabindranath has written: ”I could, by and by, control myself and bring my ecstasy under control, with great effort. Otherwise, I yearned to embrace everybody and everything I met. Until now I was yearning and praying, ’Oh God, where is your door?’ Now God was my door, and now wherever I looked I saw his door. Up until now I was searching for him and asking, ’Where are you hiding?’ But now I was amazed because he was there already in me; there was nothing else but him.”

He who sees his presence in all existence or sees the entire existence in himself is truly a wise man, and such a person is beyond attachment and grief. Remember, there is neither happiness nor unhappiness in his life, there is only ecstasy. The purity of existence dances in his life. He is life itself, dancing and singing the praise of existence. His life itself is music; and all that brings grief, all that binds, all that becomes an attachment, all that seems to bring happiness today but is the cause of unhappiness tomorrow – all these have no place in his life. He is now a mirror. Thus lives a learned man, like a mirror in the world. He is pleased with whatever comes before him. He is happy if he sees a flower and becomes its reflection, throws its reflection back, and sees godliness in it. If there is no one in front of him – when all is empty – he sees godliness in emptiness. The very emptiness is godliness. Then he dances in that emptiness and is in ecstasy even in emptiness.

When many on the spiritual path see the body as filth and dirt Agathiyar asks us to take care of it for it is a tool to achieve deathlessness. Walk tall and with pride that we are his children he often says. This is the path designed for us in this birth, in this era. Listening to Sivavakiyar's verse,

அண்டவாச லாயிரம்ப்ர சண்டவா சலாயிரம்
ஆறிரண்டு நூறுகோடி யானவாச லாயிரம்
இந்தவாச லேழைவாச லேகபோக மானவாசல்
எம்பிரா னிருக்கும்வாச லியாவர்காண வல்லரே

brought me to envision life as walking down a street full of doors. Just as in Disney's "Monsters, Inc", we stop at each doorway and look in. If we are captivated by what we see we disappear into it only to reemerge quickly or after a long time or never come out. If we come out we step into another door to explore if it interests us or move on along the alley. This is what we have been doing all life long. But there is a door that once we enter we shall never come out forever. So we keep entering all the doors until one day life turns sour and meaningless and we look for the door that can bring permanent joy and bliss and not temporary pleasures. That is the door to God's kingdom. There is a door in us where God comes and goes. But before that, we have to open other doors and let him go within. Then that door is shown to us and is opened by their grace. Then God shall be a permanent resident. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022


How is our fate overwritten and a new destiny charted and written? For all the mess I did in one of my past lives that was revealed to me in my very first Nadi reading, I deserved to suffer pain and losses. For the mess I made in this life I deserve to suffer anguish and shame. But I guess my parent's prayers saved the day for one. Agathiyar says I received their blessings while in the womb. Next, I guess with Agathiyar's call that I took up in 2002 after this reading, Agathiyar saved me too changing my fate for the better. I guess if I had ignored his call to come to the worship of the Siddhas, what was written earlier would have manifested. I would have landed myself in trouble. My life would have been derailed. Picking up from whatever little I learned from the Nadi reader on the worship of the Siddhas as he carried out a thanksgiving ritual to the Siddhas and their Nadi for documenting my life biography in these Oracles, I carried it out in the confines of my home alone. In carrying out the remedies or parikaram that Agathiyar painstakingly listed in the Nadi, both locally and traveling to India the following year, I guess my fate took a turn further. Meeting my first guru Supramania Swami of Tiruvannamalai turned my fate for the better too. After two years when it was time for another reading as Agathiyar had mentioned, Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal whom I met in Malaysia showed me to another Nadi reader who apparently was in Malaysia too. This reading done on 15.8.2005 that showed me to the local chapter of Tavayogi's Agathiyar Gnana Peedham in Batu Caves and asked me to embark on another pilgrimage was erased mysteriously, just like "this taped mission shall self-destruct, should you choose to accept it”, in the Mission Impossible series. Reporting back to the Nadi reader, he too was mystified and called me in for another reading on 18.8.2005. Agathiyar now placed another option before me that would undo my fate and present a new destiny. I was asked to get initiated again. But Tavayogi had already initiated me and my wife the day I met him. Tavayogi too looked puzzled as I stood before him again the same night after the reading with all the honorarium or Dakshina that Agathiyar stipulated I give to the guru. Agathiyar had switched my fate again and showed me to Tavayogi's Kallar ashram instead and added on several more temples that Tavayogi volunteered to bring me to. The many places and gurus whom Agathiyar mentioned in the Nadi and asked me to visit did not take place as after coming to know both my Gurus I refused to go anywhere further. He did not bring up the subject further. Even the other Siddhas who called me over to their places dropped the subject. This is how Agathiyar gives us choices throughout our lives. Most of the time and for most of us, we react independently without asking for divine guidance. The Atma in us that is known as Jeevatma goes into hiding after some time as we begin to dictate our lives. Depending on our acts, it resurfaces to guide us to first remove our karma and later show us a new path.

ஆன்மா உடலையும் உயிரையும் தனது கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் வைத்துக் கொள்ளும் ஒரு சூச்சமம். இந்தச் சூச்சமத்தை பிறந்த குழந்தைகள் 1  முதல் 5 வராகை வரையிலும் உடன் இருந்து மறையும். மறைத்தலின் காரணம் இன்னதென்று இப்போது உனக்குச் சொல்ல இயலாது. ஆனபோதிலும் ஆன்ம ஒருவரின் செயலைப் பொறுத்தே மீண்டும் அவனை வந்து சேரும். ஆன்மா உனது கர்ம வினை தாங்கி வருவது அல்ல, ஆனால் ஆன்மாவே உனது கர்ம வினையைச் சரிசெய்வதற்கு உதவி புரியும். கர்மவை சரி செய்தபின், ஆன்மாவின் தேடல் அதிகமாகி மனிதனின் அன்றாட தேடல் தீர்ந்து போகும். அவன் தேடல் முழுதாய் என்னையே தேடி வர முயற்சி செய்யும். ஆன்மா உன்னோடு இருந்து உன்னை ஒரு பாதைக்கு இழுத்து செல்லும் அப்போது நீ அதனை உணர்ந்தாள், உன்னில் அதிர்வாய் தோன்றி மறையும். அந்த அதிர்வினை நீ உனக்குள் நீடிக்கப் பழகினால் உன்னால் ஆன்மா என்னும் உனது அதிர்வுகளில் ஊடுருவி என்னுள் (இறை / அகத்தியன்) வந்து சேர ஒரு வழி.

As he slowly lets go of his will and personal desires and takes on the Will and Desire of God, he is shown the means of restructuring his physical body that is made of Tattvas breaking them down into the basic elements reaching the state of oneness with God. When this happens the Breath or Uyir merges with the Jeevatma that returns to the Paramatma. The Paramatma dissolves in the Param eventually.

உடல் என்பது பஞ்ச பூதங்களில் உரு பெற்று மீண்டும் பஞ்ச பூதங்களிடம் சென்று விட்டால் உயிராகியது ஆன்மா வோடு கலந்து ஜோதிநிலையில் எம்மை வந்து அடையும். 

If there is a need for us to stay back and carry out his divine work we are given an extension in life. The whole of Prapanjam comes to his aid then in carrying out God's work. Otherwise, we could be pulled back to their realm or placed in another realm to do his work there. Agathiyar tells me that he has kept Tavayogi with him to do his work. Both the Atma of the famed Nadi reader of Chennai and Jnana Jothiamma left for Pothigai to continue their tapas after their demise. I realized then that our tapas does not end with life here but continue in the afterlife too.

The guru in physical form can change our fate too if he chooses. Tavayogi who never wanted to lay his hands on or meddle with others' karma surprisingly took on my daughter's when he told me that it was not necessary to carry out the long list of remedies that Agathiyar had given her in her Nadi reading. We are obliged and grateful to him for saving her and rewriting her destiny. Agathiyar too never brought up the subject after that. While I too had a long list of remedies given that I diligently followed and carried out prior to meeting my gurus, my other daughter had none. My wife did not have to go through the long and tiring regime of identifying her Nadi by passing a print of her thumb or revealing her horoscope and other details and acknowledging or refuting each Nadi before arriving at ours. Agathiyar revealed her life and passed me her reading without even the need for her presence to be there. She too had no remedies to carry out. 

I am grateful to Agathiyar for showing me to Supramania Swami. He said that Swami opened my eyes and set me off on my journey. அவந்தானே உன் அறிவை திறந்து வைத்தான். தவவாழ்வு வாழ்ந்திடுவாய் இக்காலம் தன்னில். தான் அதர்க்கு சுப்ரமணியன் காரணம் என்போம். பற்றுக்கொண்டார் சுப்ரமணியன் உன்னிடம்தான். 

I am grateful to Agathiyar for showing me to Tavayogi. He said that he had introduced me to Tavayogi because I needed to be groomed further. பக்குவங்கள் பெறுவதர்கே வையகத்தில் தவயோகி தன்னை, அவன்மூலம் உண்மை பல உயிர் ஆக்கை பற்றி விளக்கம் பெற  தான் அவனை அறிமுகம் செய்து வைத்தேன். விளம்ப நல் ரகசியமும் குரு நூல் வழியே அற்புதமாய் சூக்சுமங்கள் கண்டுகொள்வாய்.

Even Agathiyar's predictions change with the Guru amending them. After visiting Agasthiyampalli I was to feed the hungry in the Agathiyar Ashram opposite the temple. But as Tavayogi accompanied me we moved on. The feeding took place at his Kallar ashram later. When Agathiyar revealed in the Nadi Chitramuthu Adigal's wish to see us conduct a Siddha puja at the Thanneermalai Sri Thandayuthapani temple in Taiping on a Thursday, as we were all working, and requested for a Sunday, Tavayogi gave the greenlight and told us that he shall speak to his Guru Chitramuthu Adigal. I guess my gurus' wishes overwrote theirs and they relented and gave in. 

The blessings and grace of gurus and deities go a long way in reducing the hold of karma on us and paving the way for a smoother journey. Our parent's prayers too lend a hand. The good that we do comes back to us as merits to offset our karma further. Hence the reason we are asked to do charity and service to the hungry, poor, and unfortunate. Once the scale is balanced we are asked to move on and away to other tasks that are given to us. The guru introduces us to rituals that help soften the effect of karma on us (பூசையில் கர்மத்தை போக்கி). The Yagam and its smaller version Homam besides conducted for personal gains and asking for desires to be fulfilled remove our karma and heal Mother Nature too. Coming to Yogam we further better our lives bringing on a change in our lifestyle and diet. Traveling on this path soon sees us going within, where we are told we see our karma and can burn it to ashes. We are freed. We are reborn.  If all this while we adhered to the words and guidance and practices given by the guru, and place much effort towards accomplishing them, these only bring us to the second chakra. From there the divine shall come and bring on the necessary changes. It becomes effortless and spontaneous from thereon. The energies within us come to live and dictate our lives thereon. We lose control of ourselves. We cannot plan. Our individual identity is lost. We become one with them.


If Tavayogi helped us connect with the Siddhas by initiating us into the path having us recite their names, and helped us connect with Prana prevalent around us through the Pranayama exercises that he showed us and that we carried out, and Agathiyar connected us with the Prapanjam or what some translate as the Nebula, having us carry out the Homam, and Ramalinga Adigal came to connect us with the source that which he names Arutperunjothi and tap into it by reaching out to it having us spread out our arms, and both Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal helped us go within by observing the breath and the vibration that prevails within, உமது பிரணவத்தை கொண்டு செல்லு. முயற்சி செய். ஜோதியோடு கலப்பாய், Agathiyar yesterday told us to follow the Magnetic Wave that prevails in this moments where we remain connected. உங்களுக்குள் ஒரு காந்த அலை அதனோடு பயனீங்கள்.

If Agathiyar, Ramalinga Adigal, and Tavayogi had spoken about the electrical and chemical energies prevalent all around us and in the universe, and also within us, that is enhanced by Puja, Nadi Sudhi, Dega Sudhi, and transforming the body from Asudha Degam to Sudha Degam and Pranava Degam and Gnana Degam and Oli Degam, what did Agathiyar mean when he said to go with the flow and not to resist the pull of the Magnetic Wave? This made me search for answers. This morning as I took Tavayogi's book "Andamum Pindamum" in my hands and opened a page and read it, there was the answer waiting for me.

பூமியின் ஈர்ப்புச் சக்தியான மையப் பகுதியைக் கடந்து எந்த ஒரு பொருளோ புவி ஈர்ப்புத் தன்மைக்கு அப்பால் சென்றால் அது வெட்டவெளியில் சுதந்திரமாக மிதக்கிறது என்று விஞ்ஞானம் கூறுகிறது. அதேபோல் மனிதனும் தன்னை கீழ்நோக்கி இருக்கும் மூலாதார சக்தியை மேல் நோக்கிச் செலுத்தினால் பிண்டத்தின் ஈர்ப்புச் சக்தியைக் கடந்தால் மனிதனும் வெட்டவெளியில் சுதந்திரமாக இருக்கலாம்.

ஆனால் மனிதன் உடலில் இருக்கும் வரை மேல்நோக்கிப் பயணம் செய்ய முடியாது. ஆகவே பஞ்சபூத உடலை வேதியியல் மாற்றத்தால் மாற்றி மூல அணுவாக மாற்றிப் புவியீர்ப்புக் கோட்டை கடந்து வெட்ட வெளியில் சேர்ந்து சுதந்திரமாக உலாவுவதே ஞானம் ஆகும். அதுவே சொரூப சித்தி எனப்படும். அதைப் போதிப்பதுதான் சித்தர் நெறி.

As science says that we and everything else on the face of the earth are subjected to the pull of gravity exerted from its center and once we break loose of its force we are space-borne and free, so too man is subjected to this force within his body. By transforming his body chemically he breaks loose of its hold he is free and liberated. This is Gnanam. This is what the Siddha path teaches. This is what Ramalinga Adigal did.

The earth exerts a big gravitational force on us we call our weight. From we learn further that,

"You weigh less when you stand on the Moon, because the force of attraction is less. If you weigh 150 lb on the Earth, you would weigh only 25 lb on the Moon. You haven’t changed (you are made up of the same atoms), but the force exerted on you is different. Physicists like to say that your mass hasn’t changed, only your weight. Think of mass as the amount of material, and weight as the force of attraction of the Earth (or whatever other planet or satellite you are standing on).

Agathiyar too tells us that Gnanam was not gifted by him but that we have to travel the journey through the chakras and eventually arrive at Gnanam. Though I had read Tavayogi's book several times it did not dawn on me that he had already defined Gnanam that which we sought to know.

My wife tells me that there could be two possibilities in following the magnetic force. One is the ability to carry out Siddhis. Once we break its hold we might retain our youth. I guess Gravity makes us age faster too. We could rise, levitate and hover or be ejected from the ground up just as the pilot ejects himself from his plane, remain afloat or walk on water, and many more Siddhis that are associated.

The other is Astral travel provided we do not engage in these Siddhis.

"Our Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System.  Our Sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Our Milky Way Galaxy is one of the billions of galaxies in our Universe."  (Source:

When the world knows the Siddhas for carrying out Siddhis as that is what man sought from them, Tavayogi defines the Siddhas for their true nature. He defines a Siddha as one who "Knowing the nature of the solar system (which consists of our star, the Sun, and its orbiting planets (including Earth), along with numerous moons, asteroids, comet material, rocks, and dust) which is a part of the Galaxy (Our Sun is just one star among the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy) and the Universe (that is all of the Galaxies) and its relevant energies, from knowing to come to experience them and become enlightened, bringing a transformation within their bodies and merge in them."

பேராற்றல் மிக்க அண்டவெளியில் அடங்கியுள்ள அனைத்து ஆற்றலையும் அறிந்து உணர்ந்து தெளிந்து தன்னுடைய உடலை வேதியியல் மாற்றம் செய்து வெட்டவெளியோடு வெளியாகக் கலந்து இருப்பவன் சித்தன்.

I used to wonder if human birth was rare as our saints have said, how come it is estimated that "The global human population will reach 8.0 billion in mid-November 2022." Then there are those who might not have been taken into account for many reasons. Should not there be only a handful of humans if it is rare? Agathiyar too told us that human birth is rare. We were not given this birth to live a mundane human life. We can only rid the karma that we had gathered throughout the numerous births by taking a human birth. We can never be assured that we shall take another human birth. Hence having taken one we are asked to fulfill its purpose. We are to seek Atma Vidutalai or release.

மனித பிறவி என்பது அபூர்வமானது. அது கிடைத்தது உங்களின் மனித வாழ்க்கையை வாழ்வதற்கு அல்ல. கோடான கோடி பிறவியில் நீங்கள் செய்த கர்மவினை மனிதபிறவி எடுக்கும்போது மட்டுமே கழிக்க முடியும். இப்பிறவியில் மனிதானாய் பிறந்தவன் மற்றொரு பிறவியில் மனிதனாய் பிறப்பான் என்பது ஊர்ஜிதமல்ல. எடுத்தபோதே அதனை நிறைவேற்றிக் கொள்ளுங்கள். ஆன்ம விடுதலை நோக்கிச் செல்லுங்கள். 

In describing human birth as rare I understood just moments ago from reading Tavayogi's book that it is only in humans that we can transcend death and achieve deathlessness as only man has the ability to achieve it. We are indeed a rare species.

மனிதன் மட்டுமே மரணமில்லா பெருவாழ்வு அடைய முடியும். மனித அறிவுக்குத்தான் அத்தகைய மகத்தான ஆற்றல் உள்ளது. மனிதன் மட்டுமே மரணமில்லா பெருவாழ்வு அடைய முடியும். மனித அறிவுக்குத்தான் அத்தகைய மகத்தான ஆற்றல் உள்ளது. 

உடல் அணுவின் ஆற்றலானது உயிரின் மூல அணுவின் உண்மை அறிந்து அது பேரண்டத்தில் விளங்குகின்ற அணுவின் தொடர்பின் மூலம் மூல அணுவை அறியும்போது இறையின் ஆற்றல் உணர முடியும், 

Just as Tavayogi wrote, the Paramatma through its Grace brings us to realize the possibilities of the physical body (Udal). Hitching on the Breath (Uyir) we come to know the individual soul (Jeevatma). The Paramatma then unites us with the Param, Agathiyar too says the same, that when the Udal takes a form, a composite of the 5 tattvas and again returns back to these tattvas, the Uyir merges in the Atma and reaches Agathiyan as Jothi. When he says we shall reach him it has to be taken that we come to a realization that he and we are one. When it is time for the Udal which takes its constitution from the Pancha Maha Bhutam, to return to its source, back to its elements, the Uyir henceforth merges with the Atma to become the Jothi. It shall reach me then. 

உடல் என்பது பஞ்ச பூதங்களில் உரு பெற்று மீண்டும் பஞ்ச பூதங்களிடம் சென்று விட்டால் உயிராகியது ஆன்மா வோடு கலந்து ஜோதிநிலையில் எம்மை வந்து அடையும். 

Agathiyar came to explain the nature of the Atma. The Atma is with and appears in the Jeeva on the onset of life in the body and watches over it till a time when it veils itself. This period according to Agathiyar is 1 to 5 varahai. I have yet to find its equivalent in modern times. When the Atma is with and in the Jeeva it is called Jeevatma. When it is with and in the source it is known as Paramatma. When the individual loses his identity or "I" the Atma reveals itself coming to the fore from behind the veil. The veil drops that instant. The Atma then leads the individual to the path that brings him or her to see the truth that he or she is the Atma and one with the Paramatma. It is Self-realization. The birth and dawn of Arivu that brings on this realization is Gnanam.

It is only in human birth that this avenue to know the source and reach it is made available. The Uyir or breath that gives the Udal or body life and sustains it, when through pranayama is channeled beyond the respiratory system and touches the Atma, coupled with the constant thought of the Paramatma, the Jeevatma that is basically vibration is enhanced multifold.

As the vibration is intensified through japa, rituals, pranayama, and the constant thought of the Paramatma, the Jeevatma reaches the Paramatma. In reaching it is to be taken as the Jeevatma attains the might of the Paramatma. This is what Ramalinga Adigal describes as God giving him his staff of authority and having him take his place and execute his duties.

ஆன்மா உடலையும் உயிரையும் தனது கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் வைத்துக் கொள்ளும் ஒரு சூச்சமம். இந்தச் சூச்சமத்தை பிறந்த குழந்தைகள் 1  முதல் 5 வராகை வரையிலும் உடன் இருந்து மறையும். மறைத்தலின் காரணம் இன்னதென்று இப்போது உனக்குச் சொல்ல இயலாது. ஆனபோதிலும் ஆன்ம ஒருவரின் செயலைப் பொறுத்தே மீண்டும் அவனை வந்து சேரும். ஆன்மா உனது கர்ம வினை தாங்கி வருவது அல்ல, ஆனால் ஆன்மாவே உனது கர்ம வினையைச் சரிசெய்வதற்கு உதவி புரியும். கர்மவை சரி செய்தபின், ஆன்மாவின் தேடல் அதிகமாகி மனிதனின் அன்றாட தேடல் தீர்ந்து போகும். அவன் தேடல் முழுதாய் என்னையே தேடி வர முயற்சி செய்யும். ஆன்மா உன்னோடு இருந்து உன்னை ஒரு பாதைக்கு இழுத்து செல்லும் அப்போது நீ அதனை உணர்ந்தாள், உன்னில் அதிர்வாய் தோன்றி மறையும். அந்த அதிர்வினை நீ உனக்குள் நீடிக்கப் பழகினால் உன்னால் ஆன்மா என்னும் உனது அதிர்வுகளில் ஊடுருவி என்னுள் (இறை / அகத்தியன்) வந்து சேர ஒரு வழி.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


The results of my medical checkup done after Agathiyar asked us to do it have come in. We are glad that all is fine. I guess Agathiyar has cautioned me to take extra care as chakra activation can cause blood disorders he says just as the practice of Pranayama awakened energies in the Muladhara chakra caused an imbalance in the 3 dosas which led to sciatica kind of symptoms in me in 2011. The doctor cautioned both me and my wife to monitor our cholesterol levels every 3 or 6 months due to our advanced age. But how do we account for the scanty but frequent and foul smell of my urine and stools? How do we explain the turmoil that goes on in my abdomen as a result of wind? I did ask the doctor to check my lungs. It is clear. Then how do you explain the phlegm (Kapha), bile (Pitta), and gas (Vata) that is built up and expelled as I hit the sack daily?

Looking for answers I learned that the dosas are energies it seems. 

"Vata is the subtle energy associated with movement — composed of Space and Air. It governs breathing, blinking, muscle, and tissue movement, pulsation of the heart, and all movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes."

"Pitta expresses as the body’s metabolic system made up of Fire and Water. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, and body temperature."

"Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure bones, muscles, tendons and provides the “glue” that holds the cells together, formed from Earth and Water. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin, and maintains immunity."


When I hurt my back after forcefully expelling phlegm in 2011, surprisingly I was given a clean slate by the doctors. My X-rays were clear. They ruled out sciatica, slip disks, kidney stones, and injuries. But I suffered for close to 3 years having to bear the excruciating pain. It affected my mobility and woke me up from sleep. Since I was in pain the doctors did me a favor by referring me to a physiotherapist. They asked me to come in for a regular course of heat therapy beginning on 12 May 2011 and taught me several exercises to do at home. Though it brought momentary relief the pain was there. Meanwhile consulting Agathiyar in the Nadi reading on 26 November 2011 addressed the issue. He told me my 3 dosas or humor had gone haywire resulting in the injury and pain in my back. He gave me the herb Triphala to consume through a Siddha physician. But the real relief came on 15 February 2012 when during my regular visit to the physiotherapist, surprisingly she asked me to perform the 5 exercises that she had taught me before her. As I moved into the first position something like a knot that gave way in the middle of my lower back made me cry out in relief. I immediately felt relief and lightness in my otherwise tight and strained back. I was cured miraculously that day. I believe Agathiyar had a hand in it. 

The pain came back in June 2016. Dhanvanthri came and treated me. I was told it was a case of excessive Vata and asked to heat up sesame oil and apply it. After some time I realized the pain had gone away. 

When trouble struck again the second time in 2018 a sneeze came on me just as I was crossing a street, the intensity of the pull had me squat in the middle of the road just as I was brought to my knees in my shower the first time. Dr. Jana administered an injection in my back that brought relief.  Agathiyar told me it was a case of the Vasi or the breath that went wrong. He gave me five herbal preparations to consume and ointments to rub. While this reading was recorded and sent to me, the following day another reading was held at my home by Nadi Guru Taranibalan who was in Malaysia then. Lord Murugan to our surprise came in the Nadi and narrated what was going on in the Nadi and simultaneously stroked my back with the feathers of the peacock (that was surprisingly brought over to my house by another devotee and gifted to us just weeks before) through a devotee. This healing took place to the accompaniment of all those gathered chanting the Arutperunjothi mantra. I was asked to drink the glass of water that was infused with the energy of the mantra. The next day Lord Murugan passed a message through the Nadi reading of a friend. He recommended another ointment and herbal medicine. Similarly, when the energy in my abdomen spiraled followed by my body from the shoulders down stiffened like a log the next day, several days ago, Agathiyar came through a devotee on the third day and treated me to the accompaniment of the chanting of the Arutperunjothi mantra.

As we did not understand many things that day, we looked for an explanation of what transpired back then. Why the peacock feathers? How was the treatment done simultaneously, in real-time, as the Nadi was being read and instructions are given? We were enlightened later by Ruzbeh N Bharucha who shed some light on what transpired that eventful day through his writings at

"... disease first gets ingrained into our causal body and then moves into the astral and then resides in our physical body. That is why in the early days' Fakirs and Sages, would caress the body of the devotee with peacock feathers, as they could see the illness lodged either in the causal or the astral body. Through their power and affirmations, they would clear the illness, which was still in the causal or astral body, and not allow it to enter the physical body. Or cleanse the auras so that the body would automatically heal." That is what Lord Muruga did that day using the peacock feathers.  I guess all these pertain to either the causal, subtle, astral, or energy bodies, hence it is not detected through medical checkups. 

Ruzbeh Bharucha asks us to bring cosmic consciousness into our causal body that would immediately reflect healing in the physical body. I gathered the following from reading Swami Rajarshi Muni's "Yoga, the Ultimate Attainment", Jaico Publishing House, 1995.

"The prana (that fills the whole atmosphere of the universe) is the spiritual and imperceptible energy out of which matter evolves. When it vibrates and manifests in accordance with universal Will, it becomes matter in the form of Prakriti. From Prakriti, an inexhaustible reservoir, the human body draws prana for carrying out its biological functions throughout its span of life. Prana is extracted from Prakriti as subtle energy through breathing. Oxygen is prana Vayu while Prana is the vital force. Oxygen is capable of sustaining only the gross body while Prana the vital force nourishes and sustains the subtle body. This vital force flows through the channels of the subtle body and can rejuvenate even the gross body increasing its longevity. These subtle channels, like the gross air passage, have their upper ends at the openings of the left and right nostrils. However, they do not end up in the lungs like the respiratory system of the gross body. Instead, they run down to a bulbous subtle structure (Kanda) situated about three inches below the navel of the gross body. There are 14 principal channels or nadis in the subtle body that converge into the subtle bulb Kanda. They branch into 72,000 smaller channels and 350,000-minute tributaries spreading all over the subtle body."

So it looks like we are not only this body but much more. 

This is why we need a guru to monitor us, check on us and correct or advise us. We are glad we have Agathiyar with us. The Siddhas having reached the state of Jothi returned to spread the good news and shared the rituals and practices that they once did so that we too could attain their state. They never wanted us to remain their subordinates, servants, or slaves life long. Neither remain a believer, follower, or devotee forever. They want to make a Siddha out of us. Hence we see how they take the trouble to bring us along to their state. We then ask ourselves if we deserve their care and grace. That is the compassion of the Siddhas. Agathiyar now wants me to share my experiences henceforth with readers of Siddha Heartbeat. I shall oblige him. When I asked him for guidance and understanding as to whatever takes place within, he replied that I shall have the experience first and he shall come later to explain.

Monday, August 29, 2022


Agathiyar had asked me to go meet several holy men and go places in my earlier Nadi readings. I did not go. I believe my insistence that the search had ended after I came to Supramania Swami and Tavayogi and Agathiyar paved the way for many things to take shape in my life without my knowledge. My life was rerouted and my Nadi reading was erased after I took refuge at the feet of Tavayogi as directed by Agathiyar just days after I met him. A new destiny emerged wiping clean the earlier slate. 

When Swami Rajarshi Muni wrote, "An expert guru awakens the dormant life force of the aspirant", I could relate to what Supramani Swami did. He ignited and kindled the flame in me and showed me Guru Bakti or devotion towards the guru by example. He had 5 gurus namely his father Jayaram Pillai, Santhananda Swamigal, Pundi Mahaan, Kollimalai Swami, and Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Tavayogi came later to fan the flame in me bringing me closer to the Siddhas and their practice. After hearing Tavayogi harp on the need to attain the state of Gnanam, I guess my wish to attain Gnanam is being considered by Agathiyar. When he came around asking each of us what we wanted, I least expected that he would ask me too. I could not figure out what to ask then. I had everything one could want. But he waited for my reply. Getting my brain into gear, I ran through my mind what to ask. Finally, it dawned on me that to be of service to him would be the greatest act of gratitude one could show for all that he has given. But he shot me down asking if that was what I wanted. He asked me to look around me (at the numerous happenings of power-grabs, seeking recognition, wanting authority, etc going around us, in society and even the religious and spiritual arena). Tavayogi showed me three people on the religious and spiritual path when I was with him in 2005. The first lamented to him that he had a competitor to the post of head of that establishment after his guru's demise. Tavayogi told me that he was "hooked" to the establishment. The next was a typical priest who was tied to rituals and the temple. Now the third person he showed me he said was a Gnani indeed he said, who stayed alone in a large deserted mansion attended by a volunteer who comes by after work to serve him hot tea in the cold weather of the monsoon in Ooty. He was waiting to become a star in the night sky. I read that Yogi Ramsuratkumar of Tiruvannamalai was approached by the trustees of an ashram in a neighboring town to take up residence and head the establishment after the demise of their guru. He turned them down saying that "This beggar has no possessions." Here is indeed a Yogi both in name and nature. I am proud to be associated with him through my guru Supramania Swami. The Yogi was Swami's guru.

I believe the Siddhas saved me from falling into a trap since I had refused the many gifts they had mentioned that shall be mine on this journey. Agathiyar told me that I had to look for an alternative place as my present home would not accommodate the large crowds that he would start bringing over for his puja. I did not move. The directive was dropped and Agathiyar revealed that he had tested me if I would fall for it. When he told me he would gift the Nadi for me to refer to and use when others come in search, I was not keen to have strangers stand in line wanting to know if their worldly desires would be fulfilled. When he told us to stand aside and that he would heal others using our bodies, we begged that he stop it. We did not want to be stamped as a healer or shamans or medicine men. When they began to speak through us, we kept it under wraps for we did not want the public to come by asking for directions. Call me selfish but something tells me that this is not my purpose here. I do not want to stagnate at any one stage or level and attend to that task till my last days. I looked up to my guru Tavayogi. He never healed nor took on the karma of others. Following in his footsteps I was saved. If I had agreed to accept these gifts I would have been trapped and caught in a cycle and in that circle of society. I would have stagnated in that state though I could become a world-famed Nadi reader, or Head of a Peedham or a Healer/Shaman, or The Voice of God (Arul Vaakku). 

So when Agathiyar asked me to reconsider my wish to serve him taking birth upon birth, I told him that I do not know what to ask of him. Meanwhile speaking to Mahindren about this I told him maybe we should ask for Gnanam which Tavayogi often spoke about. But what was Gnanam? We cannot possibly ask for something that we do not know. Later Agathiyar came again and told me that I had asked for Gnanam. Imagine he had eavesdropped on my conversation with Mahindren! Agathiyar told me that Gnanam was not gifted but we had to travel an internal journey through the chakras and work towards it. He said the final culmination of our internal travel through the various chakras is Gnanam. 

The Siddhas had laid the groundwork for us that they ensured we carried out giving us numerous tools. Swami Vivekananda stresses the importance of continuously working on these practices. 

"Simply listening to explanations and theories will not do. With practice, within a few days, a little glimpse will come, enough to give one encouragement and hope. We shall gradually see the reasons for each exercise and what forces in the body are set in motion. All things will come to us, but it requires constant practice. No amount of reasoning which I can give you will be proof to you until you have demonstrated it for yourselves. As soon as you begin to feel these currents in motion all over you, doubts will vanish, but it requires hard practice every day."

This practice and our efforts are till the second chakra the Svadhistana, says Tavayogi. After that, the Siddha has to come to lead us by the hand. Indeed all our effort came to an abrupt stop in late 2019. The next two and a half years that coincided with the pandemic saw us stagnate. Agathiyar some time back told me that the energy had stagnated at the chakra associated with the water element that is the Svadhistana. But the most compassionate has broken the banks of the pond and we see the waters redirected within as opposed to our external travels previously. It was pierced days ago he says. This led to several fainting spells and the body becoming numb and stiffening like a log. But fear not he says it is all a part of the process. In asking me to see the doctor and have treatment for a possible blood disorder that arises when the chakras are activated late in life, he also told me to close the windows at night. The cold air is not got for me he says as I now need to retain the heat of the chakra activation in the body. Vashisht Vaid in his blog writes the same,

"The ‘’radiant heat’’ [tejas tapah] of these ‘’spiritual experiences’’, also ‘greatly expand’ the holding sack of ‘’causal body’’ [karanam sharira], making it possible for a quick ‘release’ [mukti] of the ‘bound soul’ [bandhit atama]."

Indeed when I carried out the breathing exercises as shown by Tavayogi in 2007, the prana began to build up within my body to the extent that I feared it would explode. This was the Arambha avastha. It was only after 18 years of practice that Agathiyar permitted me to withhold my breath in retention or kumbhaka bringing me into the second stage of pranayama called Ghata avastha. Next, we shall arrive at Parichaya Avastha where the piercing of the Rudra granthi happens. Nishpati avastha would follow subsequently where Kevala kumbhaka or sahaja kumbhaka that is "the holding of the breath with no particular state of respiration in consideration" happens. From asking us to forcefully take control of our breath and later just noticing it, Agathiyar asked us not to place any effort in breathing and told us that it shall go one on its own. We shall arrive at the fourth and final stage called Nishpati avastha, after which there is no longer a need for any yogic practice. This is said to be the state of Samadhi while still alive. 

Swami Rajarshi Muni says the real beginning of the practice of Yoga is when it becomes spontaneous in us. Once it becomes spontaneous there is nothing the aspirant does but surrender to the inherent energy that takes the lead. I guess this is what Lord Muruga meant when he asked all those who were ready to surrender to step up to him as he had something to give them. When I stood before him he drove me away saying that Agathiyar shall give me knowing pretty well my hold on Agathiyar. 

"One needs to surrender completely and unconditionally to the awakened life force within", Swami Rajarshi Muni continues. We need to "relinquish all our willful efforts. Surrender to the prana to lead us to the deeper strata of our being", he adds. I guess this is what happened when I was suddenly driven to spin and dance on my toes and was lifted and thrown into a dark pit while in the inner caves of the Sri Siva Shanmugar Temple in Sungai Siput. These spontaneous and unintentional cries that accompanied my temple visits in India become quite a regular affair in the places of worship that I visited. 

So I believe he has started me on this internal journey to a sacred place that Ramalinga Adigal calls Aani Pon Ambalam. Join me in the coming days as we explore together this journey that Agathiyar has asked me to share with you. As Ruzbeh N Bharucha writes of a co-traveler at, "A co-traveler who has the ability to guide fellow travelers on the path and He/She may have His/Her own demons to deal with, flaws and limitations to work through, but is filled with selfless love and has the Divine Spark burning bright but eventually is not beyond karma and still grappling with duality", I too have hidden skeletons inside my closet but Agathiyar opted to give me a chance at the race. I pray that I do not misguide you and that we all end up elsewhere. Voicing this fear in me to Agathiyar, he asked that I have the experience first and that he shall come later to explain (or correct me). That sort of gives me inner strength. 

Supramania Swami's hand in introducing me to gurus in physical form, made it easy for me to accept and worship the Siddhas, men who worked their way up the spiritual ladder transforming their Asuddha Deham, to Suddha Deham by means of performing worship and rituals, taking purgatives that cleansed the insides of their body, doing pranayama and asanas, later transforming the Suddha Deham into the Pranava Deham, rich in prana Sakti, arriving at attaining Siddhis that were used wisely. Finally, these men due to the intense tapas carried out, fed the fire within or Tava Kanal that consumed all impurities and joined the ranks of those who merged with Erai, themselves becoming Jhoti or Light or attaining the Oli Deham. Agathiyar wants me to share the experiences with Siddha Heartbeat readers. Please bear with me.


Agathiyar guided us through his Aasi Nadi which came to be read regularly. He had other Siddhas speak on Yoga too. Patanjali corrected our existing menu and changed it to one of satvic in nature. Fast forward to 2000, Dhanvanthri, Bhogar, Tirumular, and Ramalinga Adigal; Supramania Swami and his guru Yogi Ramsuratkumar; Tavayogi, Lord Siva, Lord Murugan; Mother and Aiya in their many manifestations and Rama and Anjaneya too blessed us coming through devotees. The blockages that are a result of our previous lifestyles result in its imbalances and disorders in the body. The imbalance in the 3 dosas of bodily humor namely Vatam or wind, Pittam or bile, and Kapam or phlegm necessitates the need for Deha Suddhi. Agathiyar gave us his Agathiyar Kuzhambu to consume for this purpose. He shows me to Siddha practitioner or Siddha Vaidyar Arivan of the Arulguru Agathiyar Arulsidhar Peedam, also known as Agathiyar Yoga Herbs Centre (officially registered as the Agathiyar Arul Shakti Peedham). Vaidyar Arivan prepared the Agathiyar Kuzhambu which contains 11 ingredients that are mentioned in the Siddha formulary of India - part -1, that when combined act as a purgative. Besides being a purgative it is said to cure many diseases too. He passed me other herbs too that he deemed fit for me to take that served as Kaya Karpam to strengthen the body. That purgative brought out all the trash and garbage I had carried in my system for the past sixty years. That did an excellent job of cleaning the house or so I thought. Agathiyar tells me that though it helped bring balance to the three dosas there were still impurities in my system that had to be cleared. He had me prepare a magic potion and take it daily. It had a tenth of the effect of his Agathiyar Kuzhambu but was effective enough in daily cleansing. Agathiyar came regularly to check on us if we are following his dictates. So when he asked if I was following the Vaasi or breathing techniques he had told me to carry out, I lamented that the mind would not settle. He then asks if I was taking the concoction that he had asked me to prepare and take daily. I then told him it was too bitter a pill to swallow to which he commanded me to take it. He added that the impurities or Kalivu in the body need to be rid of for the mind to settle in contemplation and meditation.

With the prana that is ingested in larger volumes through the practice of pranayama; and having the nadis purified by the practice of Nadi Suddhi; and by consuming Agathiyar Kuzhambu that brought on Dega Suddhi, next came the spontaneous purification of the lower chakras. It broke my back so to say. I couldn't move momentarily after coughing out phlegm during my morning shower one morning in 2011. A nerve pain tugged at my lower back right down my right leg to the toes causing excruciating pain and bringing me to my knees. It was several minutes before I could drag myself to the bed. This pain in my lower back became worse. First, I could not walk long distances. Then I could not sit long. Finally, the pain woke me up from sleep. After going through the painful experience for some 3 years, finally Agathiyar came to explain why I was going through the agony. The 3 dosas had gone haywire resulting from energy awakenings in the Muladhara chakra, a result of my yogic practice and tapas. He asks to stop all my yoga practice immediately. He gave me herbs to consume and ointments to apply to bring me relief. Finally, he relieved my pain through physiotherapy at the government clinic. It went away for good or so I thought. In 2018 I was crippled again by it as a sneeze came on as I was crossing the street. Lord Murugan brought relief attending to me by stroking me with his peacock feathers and explaining what was being done in the Nadi reading concurrently. When the energies could not be contained any further both in me and the home, Agathiyar asked me to tone down on our worship in September 2019. Slowly we began to reduce the duration and scale of our worship. We only retained the ritual of bathing him with water daily to cool him done as his energy expanse was beyond proportion in his statue. Similarly, he asked to halt the charity too as we had brought a balance to the scale of merits. We were asked to resume our Yoga practices instead. Experience has taught us that Yoga has to be dealt with in a careful manner and with the guidance of a Siddha. In the event something goes wrong they are on hand to bring us relief or to correct us. Pandit Gopi Krishna who "had aroused the Kundalini, speaks about the result of that "sudden outburst one day after putting in years of meditation" and his "first encounter with the serpent energy, the physic energy in his life" where "he had his first glimpse into the superconscious state and saw fabulous Kundalini in action." Reading his account of Kundalini gives us shivers.

Swami Rajarshi Muni in speaking about the very basic alternate nostril breathing says, "This is considered a powerful exercise in creating pranaprabalya, or the strengthening of prana, as well as the purification of the nadis. The more pranayama is done, the more prana is stored in the kanda.… prana travels through the subtle body by means of subtle channels known as Ida and pingala. These subtle channels, like the gross air passage, have their upper ends at the openings of the left and right nostrils. However, they do not end up in the lungs like the respiratory system of the gross body. Instead, they run down to a bulbous subtle structure (kanda) situated about three inches below the navel of the gross body."

Though I had carried the above excerpt in my blog on Saturday, 8 September 2018, I never understood the essence of the matter until my recent experience.  The Kanda is exactly where I sensed the tug of a nerve several days ago before there was a spinning sensation in my abdomen that brought on nausea and a chill and coldness both in the abdomen and throughout my entire body making it go numb to the fingers tips. After this "explosion of energy", I saw calmness and peace come over me and I could actually sit and try to meditate. It was a blissful state. The breath I believe has begun to settle on its own. I guess the secret is in the simplicity of life or the practice and not in the jargon of words or elaborate practices put together by man for a fee. Sriinaath Raghavan who is known to give us gems writes on our foolishness in not recognizing the gem before us and instead take long unfruitful journeys in searching for one elsewhere. 

There was an ardent practitioner of Kriya Yoga who would go to the Mountains often to meditate. On one such trip, he unexpectedly happened to meet the Eternal Yogi, called Babaji. He fell at Babaji's feet, and told the great Saint, how he always wished to see him and receive Deeksha. The Saint however kept silent and listened with a patient ear, because all of them who happened to meet, more or less tell the same thing. After the Seeker finished talking, Babaji asked him to follow through a dense jungle, winding their way across many slopes, till they finally reached a cave, where the Saint lived. They sat inside and Babaji offered the Seeker a drink of something plain like water, but one that refreshed him to the core. Then the Seeker settling himself down asked, "Can you initiate me into the practice of Kriya Yoga?

Babaji gently nodded his head in approval and imparted the highest wisdom of Kriya to the Seeker. The Seeker after receiving the teachings felt uncommonly dejected and turning towards the Master complained, "Master this was not how it was mentioned on the website, it was far more complex with a lot of Mudras and Bandhas?

Babaji once again nodded his head gently and vanished from sight. It is said that this Seeker still roams the Mountains in search of Babaji, who is yet to confirm which one is right, He the Master of the Kriya or the Website. Alas! No matter what, we can never look beyond the book because we are hooked.

Prem Niranjana too shared Odhara Moon's post, a wonderful piece that puts us to shame.


A man went in search of a Master. He was ready to go around the world, but he was determined to find the Master, the true Master, the Perfect Master. Outside his village, he met an old man, a nice fellow sitting under a tree. He asked the old man, "Have  you ever heard in your long life ... look like a wanderer ..." 

He said, "Yes, I am a wanderer. I wandered all over the earth." 

The man said, "That is the right kind of person. Can you suggest to me where I should go? I want to be a disciple of a Perfect Master." 

The old man suggested a few addresses to him, and the young man thanked him and went on. 

After thirty years of wandering around the earth and finding nobody who was exactly fulfilling his expectations, he came back dejected, and depressed. The moment he was entering his village he saw the old man who had become very old now, sitting under a tree. And suddenly he recognized that he is the Master! He fell at his feet and said, "Why didn't you say it to me, that you are the Master?" 

The old man said, "But that was not the time for you. You could not recognize me. You needed some experience. Wandering around the earth has given you a certain maturity, a certain understanding. Now you see. Last time you had met me, but you had not seen me. You had missed. You were asking me about some Master. That was enough proof that you could not smell the fragrance. You were utterly blind; hence I gave you some bogus addresses so you could go. But even to be with the wrong people is good, because that is ... how one learns. For thirty years I have been waiting for you here. I have not left this tree." 

In fact, the young man, who was not young anymore, looked at the tree and was even more surprised. Because in his dreams, in his visions he was always seeing that tree and there was always a feeling that he would find the Master sitting under this tree. Last time he had not seen the tree at all. The tree was there, the Master was there, Everything was ready ... but he was not ready." 


Going through the net we see many offers to raise the kundalini showing the ways and means to go about it. When an aspirant among us asked about it, Tavayogi told us it was not necessary to know about it back then. It was not something to be tampered with he added. I guess he speaks from experience. Instead, he got us to worship the Siddhas by reciting their names. He got me to carry out the homam in my home. Agathiyar brought many to my home to witness and participate in the Pournami puja. Tavayogi showed us Yogasanas and Pranayama which we started to practice. He started us doing charity. From Sariyai he moved us to do Kriyai and engage in Yogam. There was no shortcut to arrive at activating the chakras and raising the kundalini. We had to know all these first. In worshipping the Siddhas they began to help us remove our karma by first revealing the extent of our sins and having us go on pilgrimages and carrying out remedies. This acquired their blessings and we were pardoned. In carrying out the Homam a bridge was drawn for the Siddhas to come down from their realm and live with us. They became a shield and force field. If puja and the rituals removed the external obstacles, in performing Yoga the blockages within us were removed steadily. 

A year before I came to read the Nadi I was asked to pray to Lord Dhakshanamurthy to show me a guru in physical form or rather have the Lord come as the guru. I was blessed to have my nephew come along on 6 October 2001 and pass me the Vasudeva mantra that is said to pierce and balance the Vishnu granthi. I learned later that there are another two knots Brahma granti and Rudra granthi. We are told that further practice of pranayama would pierce these too and the six chakras. R Venu Gopalan in his book, "The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini", enlightened me further on this mantra stating that the Vishnu Granthi adds obstructions for the sadhaka keeping one under the wraps of attachment and bondage. It helps dissolve all the past karmic deeds for a better future. From Awakening State at we learn that "This Sanskrit mantra can be practiced to attain freedom (moksha) from Samsara – the “Karmic Wheel” that keeps us bound to cycle after cycle of incarnations. This liberation mantra is a karmic eraser." Agathiyar told me that my past karma stood in the way of deriving the benefits of all my spiritual practices becoming a stumbling block. He gave me the right tool to help me clear my karma. 

If the heart knot is said to be the Vishnu-Granthi in some text, elsewhere we come to learn that the piercing of the Vishnu granthi or knot is at the throat while the Brahma granthi is the knot in the heart and the Mahasunya or Ajna between the eyebrows is where the piercing of the Rudra granthi happens. We tend to notice a discrepancy as to the location of the Vishnu granthi here that results in a domino effect. References to the Hathayoga Pradika and Siva Samhita, locate the Brahma granthi at the heart or Anahata, the Vishnu granthi at the throat or Vishudhi, and Rudra granthi between the eyebrows at Ajna, while Yogi Professor Ramdas Prabhuji at, locates the Vishnu granthi as being at the heart. Nevertheless, it's the message that is important here. We shall leave it as it is until we can get further confirmation regarding their locations. 

In a book titled, "Saint Dhruva", it is mentioned that this mantra was given to Dhruva by Saint Narada who initiated Dhruva into the mysteries of yoga and meditation leading to samadhi. Narada taught Dhruva the practice of pranayama by inhaling, exhaling, and holding his breath. He taught Dhruva to overcome thought fluctuations with the help of breath control. Narada also taught Dhruva to meditate on Vishnu in the sanctuary of his heart repeating the Lord’s name mentally and offering prayers and worship. 

This mantra was mentioned in an extract from the English translation of the book "Kriya Yoga Vijnan - The Science of Kriya Yoga", the original by Saint Lahari Mahasaya. Lahari Mahasaya has named this sadhana, Omkar kriya. This is essentially a pranayama and the basis is the Vasudeva mantra.

My nephew only revealed the source of the mantra on 24 December 2005. It was from Agathiyar. I had received this mantra even before Agathiyar came to me through the Nadi reading a year later in 2002. Besides that, Agathiyar sent me to carry out remedies too after my Nadi reading. The hikes to the hills and climbs to the temples and the tracking through the jungles helped lessen the hold of karma on us as we shed sweat and tire ourselves going through the regime. Eventually, the energies at the numerous temples visited and the blessings of the deities together with the parikaram or remedies carried out cleared the path further. Agathiyar showed numerous miracles. Returning home from my maiden pilgrimage to India, the spate of energy transmission that erupted in spontaneous outbreaks of tears and cries of joy, experienced in India, continued. With karma cleared over the two years and out of the way, Agathiyar gave me the technique of Nadi Suddhi to adopt and put into practice to rid the mind-body and purge the impurities upon my return from India in 2003. The purification of the nadis is required before one progresses to take up pranayama. These are prerequisites to taking up asanas and pranayama as we take note in the 8 angas of Patanjali. Swami Vivekananda speaking about this practice of Nadi Suddhi or purification of the nerves quotes from the Shvetashvatara Upanishad, "First, the nerves are to be purified, then comes the power to practice pranayama." He adds that "Nerve currents will have to be displaced and given a new channel. New sorts of vibration will begin, the whole constitution will be remodeled, as it were." We have to start here before we can even lay our sights on awakening the Kundalini. 

The process of clearing the "house" continued further over the years. Agathiyar guided me further through his Aasi Nool. The gurus in physical form came to shed light and clear my ignorance. Yoga which was taught by my gurus hastened the process of clearing the airways and bringing in prana. The chakras that were either sluggish or dormant were energized, the blockages released and the passages cleared. This resulted in a sudden surprise move of the energy that took place without my knowledge in 2011.

Friday, August 26, 2022


One thing is for sure. You do not mess with the snake, be it in the physical form or the serpent that is dormant within us. As Sriinaath Raghavan wrote about his state after helping someone with their parikaram, 

Since the last few weeks, I was terribly ill with intense bone-breaking pain and high body temperature. No matter what medications I took, it didn't subside. I had to do a few pujas and homes for some people, which I completed despite the burning temperature and pain. It so happened that one such family had a severe Naga Dosha, which was making their lives miserable. Constant sickness, animosity between the living blood relatives, joblessness, and everything that spelled slow doom. They approached us for a remedy and we instantly saw that it was Naga Dosha behind it all, by the very obvious looks of it. We duly started a parihaara puja and homa for the Nagas, when in a few days, one of the family members of the client, had a vivid dream of a humongous multi-hooded Serpent, hissing angrily and wanting to inflict harm to the one dreaming. At that very moment of the strike, a small girl appeared from nowhere and started fondling the hissing Snake, offering it flowers and successfully calming it down. The Snake too suddenly started to shrink in size till it became too small to even notice. This surreal dream surely indicated the efficacy and success of the "kriya" undertaken. That was not the end when an accomplished Devi Sadhaka called me up one morning and said, "I saw in a dream some Snakes complain about you to the Divine Mother. They were saying why is he coming in between us and those who have harmed us in the past. Their Ancestors had burnt us all alive, young and old included and that's when our Queen placed a curse on their progeny, for killing innocent Snakes. The pain he was experiencing to date was just to make him realize the truth. Pray tell him not to intervene with anyone's Karma, as He will have to partake some handful of it himself."I was shocked to hear it because I hadn't told anything to anyone and that friend rarely calls unless there is some emergency,

Tavayogi too warned a seeker who on the onset asked to know about the Kundalini not to mess with it. Pandit Gopi Krishna has shared his vast firsthand experiences with this power source. 

One has to tread cautiously in doing Yoga asanas and pranayama. My brother ended up in pain learning from books though I was spared the pain when I picked it up from the books. A reader from Delhi messaged me asking if Tavayogi could cure him of the excruciating pain he had as a result of following numerous practices and a number of masters. None of his masters could help him. After 8 years I mail him to find out how he was. Sadly he was in the same state. A seeker who frequented AVM one day told me he had energy moving within him that disturbed him. I asked him to go back to his guru who had initiated the practice. He replied that his guru too had turned cuckoo roaming the streets now. PremKV too in his video says he landed in the hospital after learning certain practices from the Yoga manual "Jeeva Brahma Aikya Vedanta Rahasyam." I had my fair share of pain that obstructed my mobility to a certain extent which I had to bear for some 3 years. There was a time when I spontaneously twisted my torso as would a snake move writhing in pain. But I was lucky as I had Agathiyar by my side. Agathiyar later tells me the pain itself was bliss. He explained what had taken place in me and gave me some herbal remedies to consume after I had exhausted all other means of relief. I was finally relieved of the pain as the physiotherapist asked me to carry out the exercise before her that she had shown me earlier. When the pain reappeared again many years later, Lord Muruga explained the process of healing by having the Nadi reader read and a devotee uses peacock feathers to fan my body to the accompaniment of the Arutperunjothi mantra that energize the glass of water that I took later. I was healed. This reminds me of my younger days when I frequented a Chinese home where the head of the house would go into a trance-like state and hit himself with the back of a sword and later burn a yellow strip of rice paper on which he would write out Chinese characters and burn it, collecting the ashes in a glass of water. I would be asked to drink it. It also reminds me of the numerous times we went to a local mosque and have the imam recite the holy verses and tie a string around our wrists. We would head for the Buddhist temple to ask to be healed too. The monks would chant certain verses and tie a string on our wrists too. 

Tavayogi taught us to worship the Siddhas through the recitation of the names and offering flower petals at their feet. Later he had us conduct the Homam too. If the mention of the names of the Siddhas made them turn around and look at us and caught their attention, the rituals formed a bridge between both worlds. Soon they come to stay put in our home. As we leave Sariyai and Kriyai to embark on a new journey of Yogam, they stay at our side to take care that we do not endanger ourselves in the process. During the days I practiced the yoga asanas and pranayama learning from books, I did not see its results because I had karma stand between me and reaping its benefits. This was disclosed by Agathiyar in the Nadi. This is the reason worship of the Siddhas is pertinent and compulsory before we engage in Yoga. Besides helping us with our karma they stand by us and come to our needs if difficulties arise in our practice. 

I share the memoirs of Jnana Jothiamma that bring us the true picture of how the Siddhas came to her aid. Returning after a brief visit to my home Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM), Agathiyar commanded Jnana Jyothiamma to go into solitude, refrain from seeing people, and stop all forms of communication through all media. She stopped coming on Skype but continued mailing me on her progress and transformation. He provided for her secure accommodation through a samaritan who gave her a place to stay in one of the units that the housing developer had built in Chennai. 

Dear Shan, My journey and connex with you and Agathiyan is truly Amazing. Everything seems to me like a Dream Floating by...Kallar was Agathiyan's CALL ...Nattatreshwar Temple was Murugan's CALL...Vadallur was Valallar's CALL Thiruvanamalai was SHIVA'S CALL...(Also Vallalar). The Direct Experiences I had with the 'DIVINE." in all these places...Was on another plane...I could confirm this after my last visit to your place and the happening there...To Quote Mahi..."I think that room (Pooja room) was another Portal for those two hours OR Agathiyan must have erected Screens ...SO VERY TRUE...

While in isolation and with her health deteriorating further Jnana Jyothiamma is visited by Siddhas. On October 8, 2014, she writes to inform me of someone coming over to hand her some medicine to heal her ailing body.

One of the priests of Dhandhyuthpani Temple...Palani will be at my home tomorrow by 6 am and he is getting me the medicine etc for consumption etc, that has been asked of him to deliver to me. He knows the entire history of the Temple, how Bhogar built it etc. This info was passed on to him by Bhogar, who also communicates to him, how dad communicates with me..thro Dhynam. He does Abhishekam for Murugan and Maragalingam everyday. I'll try and make him say a word or two to you...maybe around...3 pm my he will be leaving for Jaipur by 5 pm by train, as he has instructions to hand over a Vigraham to another devotee in Jaipur.

Agathiyan told me that since Murugan's energy is inside me...


He further advised me to call the Siddha doc who is currently treating me and tell him to get me Kumari Leghyam immediately and take that also for 3 balance the heat and fire energy. Kumari is an organic Aloe Vera Extract,...I called up the doc, and told him what dad said and by the last evening, he had sent the freshly prepared Leghyam and asked me who recommended this. I told him it is Agathiyan's suggestion.

..long periods of total Mounan...In Silence, Not only can I see....but also hear...THEM...If anyone sees this title, they'll think, I have gone insane, with my Brain screwed up royally...or I am Perverted. The truth is is neither of the above-mentioned three adjectives...I have not gone mad. yet ...till this very moment... . By Pleasure, I meant...the Pleasure of knowing that all these Pains (physical ) are gonna cease and end ONE DAY.....and never gonna come back...By pain, I meant.....the Excruciating Pain. I Experience ..sometimes in my CNS..( central nervous system...hip upwards), and sometimes PNS (Peripheral Nervous System....hip downwards,). When the former activates itself, giving me torment, the latter subsides and vice versa. By Blow Hot.....I meant, there is a constant burning Inferno within. You won't believe it if I tell you, that I feel I am running a very high temperature. My dresses get warm. My bedsheets get warm...But actually fever at all...except very high a burning brick kiln...By Bow Cold...I meant...the weather..the climate is very chill and very windy with intermittent heavy rains. I am wearing the heavy jacket cum sweater that we wear in the freezing winters of MN...In the USA..where the temperatures drop down to -32 *.Even then inside our home, I used to move around in shorts and sleeveless it is internally heated. Just a peep outside without Adequate and heavy woolen clothing will burst your nerves and your nose will start bleeding...Now here in Chennai cold...which is nothing, I am here fully stuffed up. The reason being, the heat ...the fire inside will burn up all the fats, which are highly essential during the cold season to keep one warm inside.

Secondly, the bone marrow and the lubricants get evaporated, due to the excessive heat...And here I am..battling both the external cold and the Internal heat...Sean Connery (First James Bond) would toss on his grave if only he knew that there is a person, using his movie title.." blow hot, blow cold" a different aspect...

I remember, we three (hubby, son, and myself), used to crack a lot of jokes on this name and laugh out...

Today all alone, as a human, me experiencing the real meaning... Well tell me more Joyous can one's life's journey be......But for Agathiyan.......

I couldn't move an inch today...I cried to dad. When the pain becomes very intense, I started to cry...Immediately I get a very strong smell of Navapashanam...I know Bhogar has come and is there...My mind calmed immediately and the pain subsided a lot..... I know the smell of that medicine, as I am taking it... Imagine if I did not have all these medicines.....omg...

There is a Christmas Carol, about three wise men, who follow the star and go to meet the baby Jesus with Gifts. It goes thus...We, three kings of Orient, are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar, Fields and fountain, moors and Mountains, Following yonder Star... Oh! Oh !..Star of wonder, star of light, Star with royal beauties bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to the Perfect 'LIGHT"

When all these memories come to me now...I start to for me as a human, at this stage in life, have experienced all that they were singing and I was singing too, throughout my school days...

I saw the 'STAR." I saw the LIGHT"...I was singing about OUR FATHER ALL THESE YEARS...

He heard me for six births and came to me now to give me total Salvation... A "LONE RANGER"...once upon a time. Now no more a Lone Ranger...Holding on to the hand of the 'LIGHT "., I am Treading on "The Path Of Salvation. hoping to reach the DESTINATION SOON...

The wise men had Gold, Silver, and Myrrh (A medicinal perfume) give as gifts to Baby Jesus, THE KING. But my gift to the Supreme King my Athman. Even that HE had cleansed it and purified it...

He is the Donor and I was the Recipient...At the end of my Journey, when I meet the Almighty...

THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS...TAKES BACK WHAT HE GAVE...THE DONOR BECOMES THE RECIPIENT. THUS THE DONOR AND THE RECIPIENT BECOMES ONE'" ( A similar thing you used to tell me about a guru Shisyan Relationship and I used to make you repeat it. Even when all of you came to see Ram and me off from Kallar ..the very first day you reached Kallar....from the foothills, just before we left. I requested you to say that sentence. You said just a line and told me that you are unable to continue further )...Do you remember this incident?

Pleasant memories..which we will carry with us and cherish ..till the end... I wish during the last hours of my life on this Earth, we all meet and read all silly mad things that all I had written and you safely preserved it...Shan, you are VISHNU. (The Preserver).....and have a HEARTY LAUGH ABOUT THE WHOLE THING...

"Could Auld acquaintance be forgotten and never brought to mind...... etc...was my school's farewell song on.....last day at school. Everyone will cry ... If you check up on this song...Auld Lang Syne (old times sake) may get it...It is a Scottish song and I did a major part of my schooling in a Scottish Mission School...

Shan...I feel this Jenam is over for me. That 8 hrs of Pooja (At Nattatreshwar Temple.....12-7 over once and for all. Never to come back...All I asked Agathiyan in February 2012...was to give me a chance to do a small Pooja at your place. HE GAVE ME THE ULTIMATE ...THE ULTIMATE POOJA, ONE CAN EVER THINK OF...WHEN ALL THE 18 SIDDHAS, AGATHIYAN MURUGAN, DEVIS. (what a sweet mother. So many memories I have of proximity with her,)..,AND LORD NATARAJA......THE "UNIVERSAL CREATOR ALSO CAME, BLESSED US ...AND GAVE HIS DARSHAN...You were all there with that moment...DUNNO WHAT TO CONTINUE............................ AGATHIYAN MADE ME COMPLETE...